Toyou's Dream

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  • Short
  • Horror/Thriller
Tastes of Horror
Shin Jin Oh, Jeon Geon Woo
Created by Shin Jin Oh and Jeon Geon Woo, both horror genre novelists and members of the domestic horror genre writer crew 'Mad Club'. The two writers have created eight stories with eerie, brutal, bizarre and mysterious flavors, using different horror elements based on fears that individuals from various age groups in Korea can experience.

「Hey, Mammons!」 Shin Jin Oh 

A younger brother is invited to his older brother‘s house for the first time and finds an old AI toy in the living room. The older brother introduces it as ’Mammons’, a toy he used to play with as a child. He then confesses that Mammons granted him a wish when he was younger. As the story continues, the younger brother is confused. He can’t believe that his brother, who he‘s always admired, would make such a wish.
Is he crazy? Or did the toy really make this wish come true?

「Stain」 Shin Jin Oh 
This small, dilapidated house is filled with garbage. Every day, the mother leaves the house with her daughter, Hana, locked inside, promising to bring back food. However, she returns empty-handed every time. When the mom leaves, Hana and her imaginary friend, Jenny, sift through the trash for anything edible. One day, Jenny suggests that they do something behind mom’s back—something that might help them find food. It's the only thing mom ever told Hana she should never do.

「DingDong Challenge」 Shin Jin Oh 
There‘s a myth floating around the internet that if you win a dangerous challenge, your wish will be fulfilled but if you lose, you’ll be punished. Whether they believe in this ‘DingDong’ challenge or not, they participate in it because it looks fun. As the challenge continues between his friends, strange things start to happen. 

「The Prey」 Shin Jin Oh 
High school senior student Huijeong is under pressure from her mother, who insists that she should only apply to top medical schools. One day, a friend tells her about a spell that can improve her grades. The instructions are as follows: she must kill a four-legged animal, gouge out its eyes, and burn it. After receiving scolding from her mother for her declining grades, Huijeong leaves her house in search of the first sacrifice required to complete the spell.

「shaman」  Jeon Geon Woo
A college student returning to school after a break, who is worried about the high rents, finds a cheap boarding house near his school. After doing an interview, the college student moves into the boarding house. He soon finds out that the landlord is in fact, a famous Korean shaman. The house is comfortable and the landlord is kind, so he doesn't take it seriously.
However, as time goes by, he keeps experiencing sleep paralysis, has nightmares and suffers from headaches. The landlord says she thinks someone has put a curse on him and offers help……

「Crash」  Jeon Geon Woo
Stock prices are endlessly declining. The rain is pouring down. The car breaks down in the middle of Mapo Bridge. Hongju struggles to control her rising irritation. All of a sudden, her phone rings, and it's her friend who's calling, who died a year agao. It was Hongju who suggested they both commit sucide but changed her mind in the end, leaving her friend to die alone. Hongju finds the call ominous.

「Chronic Vigor」 Jeon Geon Woo
Sujin, a detective, suffers from chronic fatigue from endless work and parenting. The investigation where she works on a case of a series of missing people gets no better, there's no visible suspect. 
One day, she realizes that all the missing people have possessed the same jar. Same white powder inside. She licks the powder off her fingertips unintentionally. For the first time in her life, she experiences a surging energy. What is this?

「Mountain of Fireflies」 Jeon Geon Woo
In my village, there is a mountain that drives people mad. One day, we hear that a road is going to be built across the mountain. My father is absolutely against it, saying that it's an ancestral mountain and if the mountain is destroyed, people of the village will face great disaster. People don’t want to believe in such superstition because they are more interested in the compensatory payment and their village's development.
However, they do not know the creepy secret that the mountain holds.
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Memorable Clip
It really doesn't matter. It only has to be an animal with four legs.
Min Young
Welcome to the Shindang boarding house.
Mee Hee
Hey, what is that medecine, really?
Detective Yang